Family Reading Experience

PTA's Family Reading Experience Program 

Here you will find program information and resources for Franklin families from the National PTA's Family Reading Experience program!

Book Cover Madness

The PTA hosts an annual Book Cover Madness competition every  March. During the tournament, 8 book covers compete in a March Madness-style single elimination tournament for the crown of Best Book Cover at Franklin. The goal of this whole-school tournament is to reach every student, and encourage kids to form opinions and engage in conversation about reading. The books cover a wide range of reading ages and genres.

Adult Lending Library

As part of our efforts to empower and educate parents, so they can effectively advocate for their children, we've created an Adult Lending Library where parents can check out one of two books. Permission to Feel: The Power of Emotional Intelligence to Achieve Well-Being and Success by Dr. Marc Brackett (also available as Permiso Para Sentir en Español), which teaches parents about children's Social Emotional health, and The Talk: Conversations about Race, Love & Truth by Wade Hudson and Cheryl Willis Hudson, which shows parents different ways to have hard conversations about race. To check one of these books out under your student's profile, please email school librarian Naomi Higgins (

Thank You!

We appreciate the support of National PTA's Family Reading Experience Grant Sponsor, Office Depot OfficeMax