Meetings + Events

May PTA Meeting 

Join us on Thursday, May 16 for our final PTA Meeting of the year! 

We will be discussing our Memorial Day Parade and Field Day volunteering opportunities, approving our budget for next year and reviewing all of the amazing things PTA did to help make Franklin's 2023-24 the best it could be.

Members, we need you there so we can pass that budget! See you then!

Memorial Day Parade: May 27

Join us on Memorial Day, May 27 as Franklin marches in the Kensington Holiday-at-Home parade! The theme this year is  "Let's put the 'sing' in Ken-SING-ton!"

Interested in helping us plan our entry? We'd love the help! Reach out to us at

Field Day!
June 3 

The best day of the year is coming and we need YOU to help make it special for the kids! Join our planning team OR sign up to volunteer for the actual event, which takes place this year on Monday, June 3. Both are welcome and needed.

If interested, please email 

Annual Calendar of Events

Wondering what a typical year for the Franklin Elementary PTA is like? Here are our annual events.